Everything about training therapy at R2ComSPORT

Training therapies in Neu Isenburg

Our training therapy services at a glance

Lose weight

Effective weight reduction through customized training. Optimized for your individual needs and goals.

Functional training

Training for a stronger body. Our method uses equipment such as kettlebells and sling trainers to build targeted muscles and improve your flexibility.

Personal Training

With our personal training, you receive individual support from experienced sports scientists.

Health-oriented fitness training incl. medical history

The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is an assessment and classification system that records simple, basic functional and natural movement patterns.

Fascia training

Fascia training describes an exercise therapy or sports training method for the targeted promotion of the properties of the muscular connective tissue, the fascia.

Medical rehabilitation training (MAT or KGG)

This is targeted recovery training after injuries, operations or musculoskeletal complaints.

AlterG - Antigravity treadmill

The Alter G antigravity treadmill enables patients, senior citizens and athletes to defy gravity and overcome their limits.

Stochastic resonance therapy (SRT)

The highly effective therapy, which is extremely pleasant and painless for the test person, is based on the introduction of mechanical stimuli.

Neuroathletic training

A neuroathletics concept from Z-HEALTH to improve performance or for rehabilitation and pain reduction after injuries.

FRC® – Functional Range Conditioning

Developed by world-renowned movement expert Dr. Andreo Spina, "Functional Range Conditioning®" describes itself as a comprehensive joint training system based on scientific findings and principles.